Monday, September 20, 2010


Have you seen this show, Rubicon? It may in fact be the worst show I've seen in a long time. It's a suspense, spy type show that revolves around a manger at the American Policy Institute who's main job is to head a 3 person group who try to figure out who lives and who dies, who's a threat to national security. It sounds compelling and very heady but the reality of the show is that all the people who work for API are complete slobs and total security risks in themselves. They let terminated employees roam the halls of their office building, the head of the company's office seems to easily accessed by waiting for the secretary to leave her desk. The main dude gets followed, gets bugged, leaves his gun around for anybody to play with and doesn't seem to have the ability be slick enough to avoid any of this.
In the end it would make more sense to have Leslie Neilson play the lead and make the show a comedy . . . maybe it is. If you watch the show and comprehend the stupid things that everybody does and put a silly soundtrack beneath it you would have a stupid funny show but as it is, it's as though a 15 year old boy wrote the script. It is so poorly thought out I'm not sure what the show's producers know what they're doing. It is possible that the show will blossom suddenly and I'll understand that I don't understand anything. Seriously though it seems like a show written by somebody who watches a lot of TV but doesn't really know hat the hell their watching. As viewers it's insisted that we believe everything we're told because we're shown nothing.
I really wish I could stop watching but I want to know what the big deal is.

1 comment:

  1. my thoughts exactly. just so sloppy. and jeff's friend is the one who does the editing or the writing?
