Sunday, February 13, 2011

Smell The Nationalism

It is in the air, a scent that America needs to rebound. It is similar to the craziness that swirled in the early 80s when Reagan suddenly became the greatest American ever! Now he's revered as a G.O.P. deity because the last two Republican presidents were weaselly, corrupt and overtly obsessed with middle eastern oil. When Clinton dies he will get the Reagan treatment by the Dems becoming the new JFK.
If you watch TV you will see more pro American business advertising. This 4th of July is going to be nuts. I don't think it's coincidence that one of this year's big summer movies is Captain America. (how is this not being released on July Fourth?) We are going to be bombarded with USA, so get on board or get out!

1 comment:

  1. i'm totally on board! stars & stripes, in your face!
