Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dead Stars: Tom Bosley

Actor Tom Bosley passed away on October 19th at age 83. He played the iconic role of Mr. Cunningham on Happy Days, an old school dad who was constantly being tested by the subversive 1950s. Coming along in the 1970s he wasn't the innovator of TV fathers but he did have staying power, 11 seasons worth.

RIP Tom Bosley
 TV Guide ranked him number 9 on the all time TV father list which isn't bad. In comparison to how TV fathers have recently been portrayed recently (Homer Simpson, Don Draper, Peter Griffin) his traditional character is a breath of fresh air as he doesn't destroy the house, he doesn't bone all the girls at the office, endanger his families lives or come up with hair brained schemes to get rich quick. Howard Cunningham was a no bull, hardware store owner who just wanted to come home from work to an appreciative family and a steak.

In addition Mr. Bosley also won a Tony award in 1959 and co starred on Murder She Wrote.

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