Friday, February 19, 2010

Top 5: You Should Be Dead

I can't help my morbid ways at times so this is a top five of musicians who should have died.

1. Axl Rose
Mr. Rose should have passed at some point in 1989 while Guns n' Roses were at their biggest and most self destructive. While some of the Use You Illusion songs are fine to listen to it's really not the same thing, in fact it's like listening to another band all together at times.

2. Amy Winehouse
I actually think she may in fact be a zombie at this point.

3. Fiona Apple
Makes me sad she has to walk this earth so miserable but then again maybe it's the whole vegan lifestyle

4. Any Member of Fleetwood Mac
It just seems like one of these folks should have kicked the bucket along the way

5. Sean Ryder
Every music movement needs to make at least one sacrifice to the Rock gods, Sean should have been the Manchester

Honorable Mention:

Nikki Sixx you should have stayed dead at least one of those times

Jim Morrison we all know you're still out there you drunk, fat Lizard King you!

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