Friday, July 9, 2010

Heart Attack Alert

In case you wondered what the jr. High bully was doing with your lunch, look no further. Good news is he died by the time he was 20. Usually I am tempted by grossly cheesy, meaty goodness but as it's in my American blood but this is really disgusting! As a matter of fact it's irresponsible and negligent . . . shit it's arrogant for Friendly's to put this burger and two grilled cheeses out as one sandwich. I suppose you could feed three people with this meal.
I grew up on the east coast where Friendly's was a nice little family focused diner chain where you could have a burger and crinkle fries before ending the meal with a sundae. For a while they were know for there Watermelon ice cream roll which was truly a treat for the children of the north east! But now they may go nationwide with this Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt because that's what America wants! Did you know that in 1991 our nation's most obese state was Mississippi with just under 20% vs. today's lowest state, Colorado at 19.1%. Don't worry though Mississippi still leads the country in fat fucks with an alarming 33.8% obesity rate. By the way; this doesn't include children so the numbers are actually even more disturbing. Don't get me wrong I love some fast food every now and then but it would appear that is all many people are eating and whether it is all the person or family's can afford I'm not sure but that stuff will make you a fat piece of shit, give you diabetes and kill you before 60 if you don't watch it. By the way check out the growing burger. Maybe nobody cares about their body's health, maybe it's part of a greater plot that goes along with melting out brains we melt our bodies. MAybe we don't have to go to space to get enormous like it is shown in the movie WALL-E.

The thing is some people are proud to be more stomach than man, maybe we should blame Homer Simpson. Is it art imitating life or the other way around? If you watch comedy TV up until the 90s TV dads were thin dudes!

Look at Ward Cleaver, look at Mike Brady they was a lean motherfuckers, probably the planning all the neighborhood orgies!

But these guys . . . not so much. The idea of not giving a shit about your gut and butt is sad. I do understand that not everybody has time to hit the gym a few times a week but lord, spare time shouldn't always br used to stuff one's face with cheese and bread and bacon with no other physical activity that hand to mouth and finger clicking at the remote. I guess TV is just so damned good! I guess video games are better than running around with friends, climbing fences and trees.

mmmmmm .... so good!

1 comment:

  1. so that's how the watermelon roll looks like. it's so cute.
