Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lost in Space

There is a struggle I that I have had for the past 4 years which is how to best set up my studio apartment. I know interior decoraters and people who adore the interior design aspect of life enough to appear that they know what they are doing so I should be able to get plenty of feed back and ideas but it never worked out that way. Actually I did ask one of these types but I never really got the answer I needed. I should be able to read a book and get all the ideas I could ever want but it's hard to make my studio more than what it is. I've even moved my office space (desk and chair) into the kitchen to find some relief from over crowding but I constantly found myself wonder what was going on in my living room and would turn the TV or stereo on just to ensure I knew no supernatural shenanigans were afoot.
I've moved my bed all sorts of ways and had my couch all sorts of angles none of which satisfied. I had the bar in the kitchen and in the main room, I've had large wardrobe pose as a TV cabinet all in the name of better usage of space. Now what I have really realized is that I need to get rid of the clutter in my pad. I too much stuff and stuff I haven't touched in years at that; this is stuff I don't need, right? I'm sort of a pack rat but I'm not horrible. I have too many magazines; they need to be tossed in the recycle bin. I have a closet of collectibles, clothes and bullshit. I need to figure out what I can part with.
I have friends that have no need for anything extra and don't have this issue which I am jealous of. It seems that I am collecting possibilities and memories that are getting in the way. This could be a trite metaphor couldn't it?
Whatever, the point is I need to unload all the crap and streamline the goods.

That should be my motto for everything!

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