Monday, August 31, 2009

Bare Chested Ambition

I have tried to diet a little throughout my life, the main things would be to lay off the donuts before I go to sleep and drink light beer if I drink beer at all. Once I thought I’d give Atkins a try but after becoming spaced out and cranky I began devour a baguette with no quarter. I consider eating vegetarian once in a while but really I enjoy the omnivorous diet greatly.
More than dieting I have attempted to get in shape through light weights and running; I haven’t been to a gym in over a year. At my best I was running 5 miles every other day and doing a bunch of upper body work which rewarded me with more energy, less man boob and some definition in my triceps. I did feel better about myself which in the end is what you’re supposed to want.

The truth of the matter is I want a body not unlike Tyler Durden’s sinewy and glistening body in Fight Club and if that’s too much I’ll settle for Scott Weiland’s yoga and heroin physique. No, I have no intention of shooting up but I have done the yoga and it kicked my butt. A little while ago I had found myself in a situation where food wasn’t part of my budget and my waist size shrank to a place it was when I was about 21 and while I was the envy of a couple of my friends I felt weird about the whole thing. I’m not a drastic guy and so I don’t think I’ll be doing anything drastic to get a body that I want, most likely I’ll just think about it a lot and wonder what if . . .
Frankly I don’t have time to get awesome but maybe I’ll give up all that couch potato time to pursue a more athletic cut to my jib.

1 comment:

  1. i think bare chested ambitions are more appropriate for those hairless youngsters.
