Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The New Age! The Meta age.

So the 90s were the age of irony, at least that's what we called it in popular culture and popular media. If nobody has already said it I'm saying it now, we are in the age of Meta! In the usage of referring to itself or to the conventions of its genre; self-referential we are in the Meta years. Everything is this because as those who are on facebook or twitter all day know, what you're doing is more important than what you''re doing.
For somebody who experienced the irony age first hand and embraced it consciously or subconsciously I can say that this idea of things isn't very hard to get used to.
I joked once that nobody ever took a shit until, the 1960s, in the 70s it became cool and by the time 80s came around one could make a profit on their shit. Obviously by the 90s shit was no longer cool as it was being bought and sold by the millions which made it ironic somehow. The 00s were spent wondering if it was okay to shit again but now that were into 10s we can reference our own shit with gravitas and mirth.
All any of  this really means is that our sense of humor will be like talking to ourselves. More laughing at our own jokes. but not really.

Here's some meta in action CLICK ME


  1. i've never heard of anyone talk about meta (just from you and will).

  2. and we are very self referential
