Saturday, July 4, 2009

Two mixed up

Your skort turns me off, like the spork and the mullet; it’s really just a tease. It is sort of the opposite of a mullet though which is business up front and party in the back; the skort is sexy/cute skit in front and hiker in back and totally a turn off. Is the chick afraid of a strong breeze or quick sexy times? Is she afraid to show the world that she is a chick who likes to climb stuff like rocks and rock hard dudes? I mean both would get a rise from me on their own but together they leave me irritated sense of forced duality much like cafés that become bars in the evening. The spork on the other hand is just an over achieving spoon with fork envy; it really can’t stab into anything with the same depth. It all comes down to synergy and my basic disgruntlement towards the notion.

Is there a cool synergy name for the tuxedo T-shirt? Shirtxedo?

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