Michael Jackson is not dead. He has paid off the right doctors to pronounce that, "Michael Jackson" has died in a tone that sounds more like a closing of a factory. Mr. Jackson hasenough plastic surgery done that nobody will know that weird old lady is really the former self proclaimed, "king of pop".
I call freak on this big time! Not that that's anything new in his weird world but weirdo has had too much legal issues and too much rejection for a guy who was at one point the most popular person in history. So he can now wonder the streets with the rest of us hiding in his permanent disguise being his creepy, aleged child molester self.
There will be many Michael Jackson sightings that will rival Elvis Sightings which will also mean there will be many impersonators. I'm shuddering with the super fame "death" will bring him.
What about the children he claims are his, what's going to happen with them?
On a much more solumn not Farrah Faucett also passed away, killing my warped memories of the 1970's a bit less tangible. She is the subject of quite possibly the most famous chick poster of that era, if not all time. Farrah's sunny California beauty is worthy of fetishized memories and mystery of who she was.
Though looking at the image of Lee Majors former flame I begin to see what Michael Jackson was trying transorm himslef into.